first draft:
For our project we plan make a filmed documentary (maybe in combination with animation): talking about the theme of sexual violence.

This subject is important, as we feel there's often a lack of awareness and education about it. We ask ourselves: why is it taboo to talk about it? What is the stigma sourrounding it? Do people learn what it means to say yes and when to say no? Is it really strangers in the street or just another story in the news? or closer than we think?

We want to investigate, open up a conversation and share personal stories of both men and women.

In this way it's an opportunity to reclaim their narrative, empowerment and giving them a voice. The participants reached out to Evy and the two of us want to share something as well.

We talked and there's a lot of aspects to it, so we still need to narrow it down and find a research questions. As a first research we will interview ourselves and test some questions, before we set up the first interview.
- Why do you want to tell **this** story?
- Why should **you** be the person telling this story?
- Why should **we** care about your story?
- Why do **you** care care about your story?
- What **drives** you to tell this story?
- How are you challenging yourself with this project?
- What **themes** are you dealing with?
- How are you thinking of approaching these themes?
What is our reason for wanting to make this
When we met up we brainstormed important aspects that we wanted to touch upon. We also made a list of what we want our documentary to be and what it shouldn't be: as this will help us make decisions on recording methods, approach, materials etc...

We also contact several organizations that educate people on the subject of sexual violence.
Our main research question: How did this happen to us? Why? What does it mean
Through feedback we gain more insights on how to approach this subject.
We had a long conversation and recorded ourselves (see: experiments)
see the most recent on top!
We now want to continue our research by looking at objects, places etc.

Important: if we reach out to people offer them possibilities: e.g: Animation, drawing, audio, text as WAYS OF RECORDING!

Next: we want to write an open call/message where we explain our project, offer possibilities and invite people to contribute.
we also want to further dissect and think (maybe diary entry or writing) about experiences from when we were young. An example was self-defense classes in school.
Seecum: continue with our conversations on the subject as we dive deeper.

Evy: maybe we can reflect more on ourselfes at the time (or what happened afterwards) with some photos of us (maybe with boyfriends) at the time...
Golnar: gave us some interesting organizations, we will pick one to contact!

Radar, centrum seksueel geweld, slachtofferwijzer etc.
oct. 8
oct. 16
nov.13 after midterm
After the midterm we are trying to re-focus and really define what we want to make and what's the best way to tell the story. As it's looking now we are making a personal film, interweaving our experiences.

We still want to keep the timeline but as we move along , tell different aspects/moments and small situations
that break up the perfect image of our relationships (but also mention the nice parts) so the viewer can get a glimpse into the complexity of the situation and the different aspects.

While we want there to be a narrative structure (using split screens etc) it can at time seem loose and disorienting or fragmented much like the memories itself.
Final result